Wednesday, August 6, 2008

On The Move

We are here in Park City, Utah and slowly getting out of the sea of boxes. Amidst all that we have spent some time at a very fun swimming pool and rode our bikes to town and back stopping at the Farmer's Market! I have been getting things like trash, recycle (its FREE!), banking, and insurance accounts taken care of. Tomorrow the schools open so we will be registering the girls for school. The girls have made fast friends with the neighbor girls two doors away who happen to be exactly the same ages! Unfortunately shortly after our arrival they left for a 10 day vacation much to all the girls' dismay! They were asking for sleep overs after the first day playing together! Its been very hot here and yesterday the clouds rolled in...we were actually glad to see them. But no rain to speak of. We miss our "home" in Bellingham and sometimes I feel like I am just here on vacation! I promise to post some pics soon, but first I want to let you know that this blog will be on the move too. We are heading to wordpress and will be changing our name to something a little more appropriate. Stay tuned for the link to the new blog!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Glad to see the post. Can't wait for the pics