As a kid I remember going to my neighbor's cabin on Mt. Hood where we would spend our indoor hours (which were few really unless we were sleeping) mattress surfing. At the top of stairs was a large room containing 12 twin sized mattress which provided endless hours of entertainment (we also designed some of the coolest obstacle courses and forts)! So if you haven't tried it you should. My kids discovered it today all on their own. While I had nothing to do with them discovering it, I did discover that I am not nearly as graceful of a mattress surfer today as when I was a kid. There are more pics here.
Wow I feel totally deprived - I have NEVER done that and it looks like so much fun!
I have also purchased a new air bed from www.monstermattress.com. But I having one problem i.e. how can I make use of my old mattress? Now I feel that this would be great fun for my children. But I still would like to have more ideas upon using my old mattress. If you have any ideas do let me know.
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