Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Writer's Block

This is Cambria by the way, not Lydia as it says at the bottom of the post. I am working on my resume and cover letter and its been a long time since I have had to do this. I am hoping you all can help. Since SO many of you leave me comments regularly (or not) here is another chance. Give me insight into ME. What should I include? Not include? Strengths? Personality? I don't know, that's why I am asking you! So leave me a note in the comments.


Anonymous said...

resourceful, purposeful, organized, problem solver, motivated, persistent, enthusiastic, attention to detail, friendly, confident-- wow you are pretty amazing! I'd hire you!

love you,

Lisa said...

Hi Cambria,

[Gorgeous house, by the way, and the location sounds so great!!!]

Some thoughts about you: detail-oriented, sense of humor, determined, follow-through ... ditto on Betsy's post! You are a person that sees what needs to be done, finds a way to do it, and doesn't give up until it is finished. And somehow you keep a smile on your face too. Wow!

Love, Lisa

Tami said...

After my coffee tomorrow, I will be ready. In return I need some help with the same on our foster/adopt papers. Talk to you then