Thursday, January 24, 2008

Almost Crawling

Originally uploaded by bcrollo
She's on the move and into everything! Not quite a crawl, but give her another week and we'll be chasing her down!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Black Cast

Originally uploaded by bcrollo
Lydia got a full leg cast last Wednesday after 3 weeks of being mostly immobile! She chose black so it would be the least offending in her upcoming aunt's wedding. She will be wearing a black dress. We are all glad to have her moving around again! She is really fast on crutches!

The Ducky Bath

Originally uploaded by bcrollo
For Christmas, Gretchen got a Ducky tub (complete with quacking beak)! She LOVES it... as you can tell. You put her in it and give her her new bath toys and she jabbers up a storm like those plastic fish and ducky tub are going to talk right back to her. Its so cute!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I took a good one!

Originally uploaded by bcrollo
Ok, so a year ago we spent a lot of money (for us anyway) on a nice digital camera. I have been trying to learn how to successfully use it. So with every photo session and uploading of pictures I HOPE for a couple of decent pictures. To-date I think this one is the best so far! Click on the picture to see more!