1. Link your tagger and list the rules on the blog.
2. Share 7 facts about your kiddos on your blog…random, weird, funny…whatever you want!
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post
Lydia Cassie

1. loves to read, play webkinz, mountain bike and play soccer
2. didn't have her first hair cut until she was almost 3 years old
3. always wants to fit "one more thing" into each day
4. won the award for "Most Intense" on her last soccer team
5. has had the same best friends since she was 3 months old
6. chews her nails since she was 2 to avoid fingernail clippers
7. is my CTO (Chief Technical Officer) while her dad is gone
Maille Renee

1. is very proud of her recent reading accomplishments
2. loves to ride her bike around "the loop" at our house
3. is friends with everyone, but really wants a "best friend"
4. loves arts and crafts
5. is NOT a morning person
6. has feet almost as big as her older sister's
7. was not a very cute baby, but is a very beautiful little girl (now her dad has to worry!)
Gretchen Sophia

1. has a bit of a temper already
2. is taller and has more hair than both her older sisters did at one year old
3. LOVES her bottle (i'm a little worried about how we're going to get her off of it!)
4. climbs everything, but especially likes stairs
5. her favorite book is "Pat the Bunny"
6. has 9 teeth and is working on 3 more!
7. all 4 legged animals bark
So I tag Lisa, Betsy, Tami, Amy, and Sara
Great pictures -- glad to find your blog. :)
thanks for taking the time to do this, fun to hear about each of the girls. And I disagree -- I think Maille was a beautiful baby (I remember her and have photos of Kenzie and her together) but I do agree that she is very pretty now. all of your girls are gorgeous!
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