On November 15th Bellingham was hit with an unforgetable wind storm...and our house was hit by two unforgetable trees! I won't say much more than we had a fun slumber party at a hotel for one night and we still have blue tarps for a roof. The joys of dealing with insurance companies and thier "preferred contractors!" I look forward to having this upcoming work on our house done and the whole thing behind us. But check out these pics...

The Furnace and The Snow
All month the furnace was acting up, but with everthing else going on, Brian and I were avoiding the issue (and the expense)! So everytime the temperature would drop in the house and we'd realize the furnace wasn't going to come on we'd head for the garage to flip the breaker switch. It worked like a charm at first, but as the month wore on we were having to do it more and more frequently. So one particulary cold Sunday morning we woke-up in a house at about 58 degrees and a furnace that refused to start-up. We decided to pack the girls up and head to town for breakfast at Diamond Jim's. We took the Subaru noticing the slight sprinkle of snow flakes coming down outside. Even though the tires were bald at least we'd have 4-wheel drive. The closer to town we got the more snow there was and pretty soon it was clear that this was going to be snow storm, not just a light dusting. Knowing the house was going to be cold we decided to find electric blankets and hit Costco for tires and a fake Christmas tree. After our shopping (except the tires because they were booked solid all day!) we headed for home. It was 3:00 and it looked dark out the colds were so low and dark. The snow had added up to close to a foot. It took us an hour to get home having to detour for downed power lines and such. We even stopped to see if we "happened" to have chains in the car and spent a good bit of time trying to put them on for the first time in our lives. We managed to get home with one still on (they were clearly too big for the tires)!
The snow stuck around for 4 days and very few people left our neighborhood. I didn't return to work until Thursday and Brian on Friday. Schools were closed all week. A lot of businesses, including ours, closed early. I wrote this in an email to my mom while in the first part of the week...
"But today we are all snowed in. The girls played outside all morning and came in for grilled cheese, tomato soup, and hot chocolate. We are working on a Gingerbread House, decorating the tree, and making Christmas gifts. We are all home in this quiet and peaceful winter wonderland! I love it and wish I never had to go back to work! Oh well, real life will resume soon I'm sure."
It did and boy was I glad. By the fourth day we were all sick of each other and sick of being at home! Funny how that works!
As far as the furnace...we did get it fixed too. Someone had to come out twice to get all its issues resloved and it cost us about $500, but we're all warm and greatful for it now!
They are fun...as an aunt, grandma, or friend! I like them! We all do! But at 30 I have an eight and five year-old and my baby days, as well as my baby stuff, are long gone! Or at least I thought. The last day of November I dreadingly took a home pregnancy test. I already new the answer, but I just couldn't believe it. I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that our family is growing from 4 to 5 in July. AND SO ENDED THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER!!!!!!!
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