Ice Skating!!! Ok not really, but on Wednesday mornings the Bellingham Sportplex opens up for a special "home schoolers ice skating" time. We love it. There is usually about 20-30 people is all and we get a chance to meet other home schoolers. The girls are getting better and better. Both of them are asking for ice skates for Christmas.
The girls really enjoy playing soccer, but I am really glad last weekend marked the end of fall outdoor soccer. It was cold. It was WET! It was be a spectator at least. The girls seemed to have fun anyway. Hope you like to pictures. Its really hard for me to get good pics of Lydia now that she plays on the big field. I don't have a big enough zoom to really catch her in the action. Maille's I can still manage to get some good ones though. And now we're on to Indoor Soccer least it will be dry!
With the help of my mother and grandmother, I made Gretchen a fleece jacket to match the fleece pants I found for her! I think it turned out really cute!